If you need to know precisely which resolution you are using, the scaled options won’t cut it. Why Selecting a Resolution Might be Important But they’re vague, and there’s a way to select a more precise resolution. Some scaling options are made available by default, and they get the job done.

It also gives you the flexibility of using a display’s native resolution at all times. Just as with our user-defined classes, we can access these fields via the dot syntax. The PImage class includes some useful fields that store data related to the image width, height, and pixels. That allows a larger display resolution to be used without shrinking on-screen items to the point of being difficult to see. For each pixel in the PImage, retrieve the pixels color and set the display pixel to that color. Scaling works by taking something that would typically use a single pixel and making it use multiples of two instead. Everything looks great because of the high resolution, but because it’s scaled, you can still read it. You would expect everything to be tiny at that resolution, but because macOS scales everything up, it’s not. And it’s also where scaling comes into effect.Īn excellent example of how Retina displays change the way we think of resolutions is the 5K 27-inch iMac with a resolution of 5120 x 2880. Apple defines a Retina display as one whose pixel density is so high that your eyes can’t see individual pixels when you’re sitting at a reasonable viewing distance.įor you, that means a tack sharp image. Word Spacing: Insert additional space in pixels between words. The direct link between how many pixels a display has and how much space is available on-screen is broken by Apple’s use of Retina displays. Adding or Removing Columns or Rows Using Edit Table/Cell.
Gets the index of the last cell contained in this row PLUS ONE. Returns row height measured in point size. Get the row's height measured in twips (1/20th of a point). Get the number of the first cell contained in this row. Get the cell representing a given column (logical cell) 0-based. Larger displays usually also have higher resolutions than smaller ones, especially if they are of good quality. Use this to create new cells within the row and return it. Because of the larger resolution, however, that also means all on-screen elements are smaller, which is something else to consider. Those things could be windows, icons, photos, or text in a document. Higher resolutions mean that more things can be shown on-screen. To do so, select the desired rows and then click and drag one of the selected rows boundaries until you reach the desired height. How much information you can see on-screen at any given time is governed by its resolution. A 4K display has a resolution of 3840 x 2160 pixels, or 3840 pixels horizontally, and 2160 pixels vertically. A display’s resolution is the number of pixels available both horizontally and vertically.